Estonian Museum Canada VEMU as a Community Builder

Piret Noorhani (Estonian Museum Canada VEMU)

“Bad libraries build collections, good libraries build service; great libraries build communities,” David Lankes, the Professor and Director of the School of Library & Information Science at the University of South Carolina, said. The Estonian diaspora has survived thanks to keeping together as a community. Estonian Museum Canada, which has been operating at Tartu College in Toronto since 2009, relies on these traditions. A paid team with volunteers and partners collects and makes historical heritage available and offers a diverse program so that:
– different generations of Estonians can maintain contact with their roots;
– the community stays connected;
– the contributions and experiences of diaspora Estonians can reach other national communities.

For those who need no introduction to Estonia, VEMU is the heart of the Estonian diaspora. VEMU unites all generations of Estonians. It is a meeting place, a place where old stories are told and new friends are made. It is a place you come to when you are ready to ask: “Where am I from?”

For those who know nothing about Estonia, VEMU offers an opportunity to discover the courage and perseverance of a small nation, immerse yourself in the Estonian immigration experience and culture through events and exhibitions.

VEMU brings together people and cultures, ideas and talents in order to build a cohesive community. Over the course of the presentation, you will hear about how we do it.