- International Conference “Acutus et Argutus: Early Modern Print Culture in Motion” (2025)
- Conference “Children’s Literature as Source of Knowledge” (2024)
- International Conference “Memory Institutions and the State” (2024)
- The International Conference “Eighty Years after 1944: Then and Now“ (2024)
- International Conference “Europe. Capital. Transformations: Vilnius in the 19th and 21st Centuries” (2023)
- International Conference “Printing Centers and Peripheries in the Early Modern Period” (2023)
- The Early Reading Forum (2022)
- The International Conference “Political Leadership in a Parliamentary Democracy” (2021)
- The Centenary Conference ”The 21st Century Libraries: Traditions and Innovations” (2019)
- IFLA 2017: Satellite Meeting Vilnius (2017)
- The International Conference “Children’s and Young Adult’s Reading as Challenge in the 21st Century: Libraries Empower Social Changes 2015” (2015)
- The International Conference “Libraries empower social changes: Libraries in the European Union Information Science and Cultural Policy” (2014)
- The International Seminar „Unlocking Access To Digital Cultural Heritage: EU Orphan Works Directive“ (2014)
- “Libraries for Innovation 2” Introductory Conference (2014)
- The International Conference “Libraries empower social changes: experiences of the Baltic Sea Region” (2013)