Vilnius Bibliography as a Scientific Communication Tool

Tomas Petreikis (Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania)

The presentation focuses on the experience of preparation of the bibliography index Vilnius: The Bibliography. Part 1, Scientific Research, 1990-2022. It discusses the concept of preparation of an index and critically evaluates the conditions of bibliographic activity, which should ensure the quality and efficiency of such works. Although the scientific production has been increasing, becoming freely available, it is evident that there is a lack of integrative information resources, which would systematically concentrate the scientific works on a single topic, ensure the dissemination of knowledge, and provide the international and interdisciplinary visibility of research. The authors of the Index sought to break through information barriers and at the same time, systematically evaluate the research results on Vilnius, creating qualitatively new information search conditions for today’s and future researchers. The presentation reveals the gaps in the national bibliography, specialized databases, and the Lithuanian Studies and Lituanika collections formed by the libraries in Lithuania, and provides valuable lessons for the compilers of regional bibliographies.