Vilnius – The New Athens of the North

Krzysztof Czyżewski (The Borderland Foundation, Poland)

The Vilnius tradition of the Athens of the North—its significance for the spiritual life of the city and its future potential. Why NEW? We need new visions of the city, combining modernity with community, security with hospitality, prosperity with spiritual development. Why ATHENS? We are returning to the polis, a community tailored for humanity, wise enough not to have a complex size, a cornerstone of democracy and able to form lasting alliances with others. Athens’ strength is not its dominance over others, but coexistence. The future of civilization is determined by the path from megalopolis to xenopolis. Athens is not imperial Rome, the Athens of the future will create a viable counterweight to the Third Rome. Why the NORTH? Because Athens is where we are and where we can create it. Vilnius is at home in the North and does not need to go to the South, to depart from itself, to follow anything. If Vilnius finds the power and wisdom to transmute its tradition, its genius loci, its mystery and uniqueness into the future, it will contribute to the world the New Athens of the North.