Story, characters, secrets, trust, and a horse named Pegasus

During the workshop, the writer E. Daciūtė will share the experience gained during hundreds of meetings with young readers, telling them about books, introducing them to the tools with the help of which the book will become not just a book, but a Book, and work with her will be a pleasant adventure.

Books for children are special not only in that they can be read many times, that they can be read in different ways, but also in the fact that the friendship with them does not end when the covers are closed. If we’ll show children the depth and breadth of the book, we will involve them in the world of the book more easily: to interest is to entice. One way to connect with the book is to encourage children to become part of the story: what came before, what do you think from the cover, what is the story going to be, what do you think is the action after this, what could the end of this poem mean. We tell how the book’s characters appear, and if we don’t know the story of their origin, we try to create it together. Which character did you like the most? why? would you do the same? could the animals in the illustration be alive in this story, if it was real? Books, especially pictures, hide many secrets. As soon as we start looking for them, the book will quickly delve deeper. There isn’t a person who is not interested in looking for answers to questions or finding hints. Another item is confidence. The person I read the book to likes to look for answers. Encourage versions, allow long guesses and not say anything until the whole group decides otherwise. Maybe the answers don’t fit this story, but maybe they can be an idea for your own story. And the last item in this workshop is the children’s own creativity, which is stimulated and enabled by reading a book. Now the child himself becomes the creator controlling the story and characters.